Thursday, August 22, 2013

BB15 Eviction Night Recap - Will Helen Ever Shut Up?

Finally.  It is Thursday.  Hopefully someone we all want to shut the hell up is going to jury and hopefully NEVER COMING BACK.   Please baby Jesus, send her to jury!!! In honor of “HER” monarchy coming to an end, tonight’s drink is for “HER” – The STFU: 4 oz Crown Royal Canadian Whisky with a splash of Coca-Cola.  Who knew that Crown and Coke is really called a STFU? Oh well, on with the recap.

Julie tells us that BB history will be made when a juror returns to the game.  (I know that I have been drinking, but I am not too sure that is accurate, wasn’t there a HG named Brennnnnnnnaaaaaannnnnnnnn that came back into the game two seasons ago? Whatever)

Picking up where we left off after the POV ceremony, we get Spencer in the DR saying here we go again, on the block again.  Aaryn in the DR tells us that she put up Spencer because that is what Amanda wanted.  I guess no one but Amanda has a brain in this game and can’t make moves on their own.  Now we get Helen in the DR crying, whining, and telling us what America thinks, with her being a “good person”, which is then followed by Helen crying, whining, and telling us what America thinks, with her being a “good person”, campaigning for votes to stay.  STFU Helen.  Helen does manage to corner McCrae and takes it to a personal level telling him that basically, Amanda treats him like shit.  Not wanting to miss out on the action, Elissa joins Helen in pressuring GM to keep Helen, which is followed by threatening Andy that if he does not vote to keep Helen, they (Helen and Elissa) will come after him.  Basically, Helen threatens to turn the jury against him.   Hey Helen, here’s a little hint: if you want someone to vote for you, DON’T THREATEN THEM!!! Just saying.

After the commercial break, Julie talks to the HGS about the Have-Not in the dark comp and the OTEV POV comp.  This is called filler.  This is called “we really don’t care as we have ALREADY SEEN THIS!!!” Moving on.

Speech time:

Spencer – Hi to everyone, please keep me, I know Elissa won’t vote for me as she is close with Helen, everyone else, please keep me.

Helen – I do believe that she said Hi to everyone but the President of the United States.  Not kidding.


McCrae – Helen
Amanda – Helen
Elissa – Spencer
Andy – Helen
GinaMarie – Helen

Helen, with this vote, I do believe that America has spoken.  Bye bye.  Step one complete.  Now, please, please, please, let anyone but Helen win the “Juror Re-Enter the House Comp”.

After the commercial break, Julie tells Helen she is evicted, which causes her and Andy to start crying.  Really Andy? Just when I was starting to like you.

In her exit interview with Julie, Helen says that she has been questioning Andy’s loyalty and then continued on for five minutes.  Not kidding.  I can’t even begin to keep up with her.  The goodbye messages from Andy, McCrae and Amanda basically said that Helen was targeting them or their alliance, so she had to go.  The other goodbye message was from Elissa and I don’t have a clue what she said as I don’t speak stupid.

Time to catch up with the jurors.  Well, there goes that…they are not sequestered from each other.  First Candice, then Judd, and then Jessie.  Two days ago, they are told that one of them will be going back into the game.  Candice wants to target GM and Judd wants to target Helen and Amanda.

The jurors re-enter the house and everyone hugs everyone.  Yuck.  Before the commercial break, Julie tells us that it will be two epic battles in one as the four jurors battle to get back in the house and everyone battles for HOH.  Go Jessie Go!!!  Okay, not really.

The comp is called “Off the Wall”.  The HGs are standing on a small platform that moves up, down, backwards, and forwards.  BB will randomly throw balls at them and the first HG to catch ten balls will be the next HOH.  If the HG is a juror, the HG is back in the game and the HOH.  To make it a little more difficult, BB has turned on the water sprinklers and are spraying the HGs.  As the show ends, Jessie has two balls, Judd has one, a couple of other HGs have one and Helen and Candice have none.  Go Judd Go.

Who do you want to win HOH?  Who do you want to come back into the house? Sound off below and let us know. 


Judd is back in the house and Elissa is the new HOH!


  1. Brendan wasn't technically a juror when he came back. I think he'd been in sequester. It's a stupid technicality that Julie used.

    As for the jury, Judd said that they weren't allowed to talk game with each other when the cameras weren't on.

    1. Thanks for the clarification, I greatly appreciate that!!!
