Sunday, September 1, 2013

Winner Winner No Chicken Dinner - Sunday Night BB15 Recap

Even though it was a boring day in the house, let’s hope tonight’s show is a little bit more lively.  Still yet, my guess is that the most action we are going to see tonight is the work out my arm is going to get from lifting my glass that is full of wonderful goodness to my lips every 10 seconds.  Speaking of which, tonight’s drink is my special “Chocolate Milk.”  Adults only.  No children allowed.  It consists of 2 oz Bailey’s Irish Cream, 2 oz crème de cacao, and 5 oz cream.  Combine, mix, and pour over ice. It is De-lic-ious. On with the recap.

When we left last Thursday, the HOH had just started.  Since you are probably on twitter or have already been spoiled, I will skip all the DR egg and chicken jokes and tell you that GinaMarie won HOH.  Yea the exterminators…I guess.   The best part is that Judd and Spencer tied for last and have to wear the chicken costume.  In the words of Judd, “I eat chickens, I don’t wear them.”  On the other side of the house, Amanda does not understand why Elissa is so happy that GM won when Elissa just sent GM’s best bud out the door.  Oh honey, this is Big Brother.  Welcome to the blindside. 

After the HOH comp, GM is all about Aaryn…and Amanda keeps driving home the point that Elissa put her on the block and was the driving force on sending her to jury.  Then we get the GM DR telling us that she is blond and cute.  Hang on, what? Elissa really has rubbed off on her.  I don’t speak stupid, but I guess that is GM’s way of saying that she is playing Amanda and McCrae and will be putting them on the block. 

Chicken suit time.  You know, I think this is one of those times that photos are so much better than words.  Enjoy:

Oh joy.  GinaMarie’s HOH reveal.  No.  Just no.  She got a photo of Nick:

And getting a teeth whitener caused this reaction:

Need I really say any more?

Here we go.  Round 27 or something like that.  Elissa is in the living room talking to Spencer and Andy about how much better she is than…well, everyone.  Amanda walks over and sits down to paint her fingernails.  Of course, Amanda can’t help herself and just goes off on Elissa.  Amanda made several comments about how alone Elissa is, that she has no one, and that she is going on the block.  One of the better lines was: “this bitch over here is nothing more than a female dog.”  If anyone knows Karma and knows what happens with Karma, then you know what is going to happen.

After the commercial break, we get Amanda trying to justify her actions and play the victim.  She even cries at a couple of different times.  During one of her “tear” sessions, Amanda says that it is just like high school again.  Spencer asks if she was a major bitch in high school as well.  Can you say ZING!!!!  Spencer can.

The Have-Not comps are over and now we have luxury comps.  For this comp, the HGs have to pop balloons and find three chips: one with a “1”, another with a “0”, and the third with a “K”.  The HG that finds all three chips wins $10,000.  For all of the talk about class and how she is so much better than everyone, we get Elissa in the DR telling us that her stratedgy is to pretend that each balloon is Amanda’s head and for everyone she pops means more of a chance that Amanda is going on the block.  Yes Elissa, you are just so much better than everyone else.  Anyways, Chicken Zing Man Spencer finds the three chips and wins the $10,000.

After the luxury comp, we get more of the set up against Amanda and McCrae.  If you did not get a chance to see this episode, let’s just say that prior to winning the HOH, GM had already decided to put up Amanda and McCrae…and the rest of the house knows this as well.  My point – GM could not be more proud of herself…it is almost like that smile she can't get off her face from she just got up off Nick from ridding him for the last hour.  Not kidding.  This entire episode has been this way.  If you are a GM fan, this episode is for you. 

As for the noms, yep GM put up Amanda and McCrae.  It was by far the best-kept secret this summer.  Everyone knew except for Amanda and McCrae and NO ONE told Amanda and McCrae.  Best blindside of the season.  As for GM’s nom speech, BEST OF THE SEASON.  She was unable to say the word “dynamic” as in Amanda and McCrae are a dynamic couple.  After her fourth attempt and Judd trying to help her, she gave up and said power couple.  In an attempt to make another point, GM says that "everyone was too chicken", then looks over at Judd and Spencer and says, “no ‘point’ intended, and didn’t have the balls to put you guys up.”  You gotta love her. 

So, are you ecstatic or pissed off that the house has tunred Amanda and McCrae?  Who would you like to see walk out the door on Thursday?  Speaking of Thursday and our second double eviction, who else do you want to see walk out the door?  Sound off in the comments below and let us know what you think.

Oh, the best thing about GM winning the HOH...we get another GM HOH blog.  Can't wait.  


  1. Elissa is a vile, contemptuous human. For the life of me, I can't understand why the internet is in love with her. She's horrid. Much worse than Amanda, who realizes she's playing a game. For Elissa, this is just life.

  2. As you know, she has all of Rachel's fans and there is nothing that she can do wrong in their eyes. She has been just as horrible and vile as anyone else in the house with her holier than thou attitude, but her fan base refuses to acknowledge it. But as for me, just don't bore me, I am here to be entertained...and the cheaper, the better :-)
