It is eviction night and Julie says that this season, no one
is safe. Unless you are Elissa.
Picking up from were we left off from Wednesday's episode, we find out that Nick is the replacement nominee. After taking his place on the couch, we
get several DRs about how Nick is going to okay and AG’s pet, Elissa, saying
that hopefully everyone will see how big of a threat Nick is. You mean production, right. You hope that production saves your ass and get the other HGs to vote Nick out, right? This is AG’s show. It will always be AG’s show. She will pick her favorite and will do
whatever it takes to get them to the end. This year, her pet is Elissa. Mark my words, if need be, AG will shove Elissa into a
wheelchair and push her into the finals.
Pitch the tent. Start the
bonfire. And break on the
S’mores. Elissa is not going
anywhere. Welcome to Big Brother 15.
After the DRs, we have Helen and Elissa scrambling to get
votes to evict Nick. First, they
rally the women. Then they convert
Andy. They get Amanda to convert
McCrae. Quicker than you can say
magic wand and Harry Potter, they have the votes to evict Nick. As for the
Moving Company…they just got moved out. (Oh come on, you saw that horrible joke
coming from a mile away. Please.)
Now that we know that Nick is going home, we can move on to Julie
asking the HGs questions. Her
first target is Jeremy. She asks
about his POV win and Jeremy says that he come to play. Yeah, okay douche, whatever. Next topic:
Showmances – those that are in them and those that want to be in one. Hello Jessie. Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle. She gives some response about passing time with a
companion. The funny thing that
the camera panned to Nick during her answer and he lets out a huge sigh. Next, Julie asks about the cameras and
if they forget that they are there.
Amanda tries to interject and throws out some response, but Julie is not
having any of it and goes directly to Aaryn. She says that she does not forget, she is just a very open
person and everyone knows everything about her and so does America now. When is she going to stop digging? Is
the hole not deep enough yet? Nope, as we are about to find out.
Transition to the next segment where Julie says that certain
HGs have made some racial derogative comments. As we find out in the segment, they mean Aaryn. I guess the other “certain HGs” get a
pass. You know, such as David,
Jeremy, Amanda, GinaMarie, Spencer, and Kaitlin. But to drive the point home and to make Aaryn the Queen
Racist, we get Amanda, talking to Aaryn about it. I will give Amanda a lot of praise here. I don’t know if production put her up
to it, but she handle it in a very caring and sensitive manner. I stand up and applaud her for the way she handled it. Aaryn on the other hand, rolled her
eyes, shook her head, and said that it was the most obnoxious and annoying
thing she has ever heard. Amanda
keeps trying and Aaryn just got worse.
At one point, Aaryn said that she was not even going to acknowledge it,
that is it a joke, and claims that she gets called Barbie and a blond all of
the time. She ends it by saying
that she wished she cared about it more, but she just doesn’t. Folks, I have no words.
I have a feeling that the hate and death threats that Aaryn
is going to receive when she leaves the house is going it be unparalleled to
anything we have ever seen before.
It is going to be nasty and extremely ugly. In all sincerity, I am not even sure a witness protection
program is going to be safe enough for her.
Eviction and Speech time!!!
Elissa’s speech – To be honest, I really did not pay
attention. The way she talks just
grinds on my every nerve. I would
rather be locked in a room with fingernails scratching down a chalkboard.
Better yet, just shove an ice pick in my ears.
Nick’s speech – I really don’t have a clue what point he was
trying to make. Was he trying to
be Dan? I didn’t get it.
Helen’s speech – All I heard was the first part: I have
enjoyed everyone, even you Jeremy. I was laughing to hard to hear the rest.
And now it is time for the votes:
Jeremy – Elissa
Kaitlin – Elissa
Andy – Nick
GinaMarie – Elissa
Judd – Nick
Spencer – Nick
Jessie – Nick
Howard – Elissa
McCrae – Nick
Amanda – Nick
Candice – Nick
With 7 votes, Nick is evicted. Fallout time!!! Jeremy is way pissed and is pacing back and
fourth. GinaMarie is bawling. And no one else is saying a damn
Exit interview with Nick. He thinks that Spencer turned on him and that is the reason
he was voted out. Julie says he is right. Actually, they are both wrong. Nick, you can thank production for your eviction. Nick talks about the showmances and that
what was left for him was GinaMarie.
Julie responds by saying that she is curled up in a ball crying in a
corner. Loud laugh from the crowd. McCrae, in his goodbye message, comes clean and tells him he
turned on him. After the videos,
Julie tells Nick that if he would have kissed Jessie, maybe she would have
voted for him.
During the night, BB woke up the HGs and told them to go to
the BY where there was a huge airport luggage conveyer belt. Certain items passed through and
everyone tired to memorize what they were seeing. This happened at least three different times through out the
night. Fast-forward to the HOH
comp, the Overnight Delivery by the Big Brother Express. Basically, a True and False quiz to
test their memory.
First question - Judd and Jeremy are out
Second question – GinaMarie, Andy, Amanda, Spencer, and
Elissa are out
Third question – Candice is out
Helen, Kaitlin, Howard Jessie, and McCrae are still
Fourth question
- no one
Fifth question – no one
Sixth question – no one
Tiebreaker time.
What is the total number of BB cola cans that were delivered? Everyone but McCrae got it right.
Second Tiebreaker time. How many seconds did it take Jeremy to win the POV comp?
Helen got the closest and is the new HOH!!!
After the commercial break, we go back to the house and holy
crap, GinaMarie is bawling again. Wow.
Psychotic breakdown in five…four…three…two…
What a
show. BB got into the big ole BB Bus and not just ran over a few HGs, but continued to back up and run them over again...and again...and again. Trust me folks, it is
only going to get better. If you don’t have the feeds, go get them now. It will be worth it. And don't forget, sound off below.
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