Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wednesday FIght Night Recap - BBMVP and POV

Since tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be a little chilly, might as well serve up one of my favorite cold drinks: The Iceberg.  Grab your blender and add 1 oz white crème de menthe, 0.5 oz peppermint schnapps, and 0.5 oz Goldschlager cinnamon schnapps; add ice and then fill with milk; blend; pour into a frozen highball glass; sit back; enjoy.  On with the recap.

Picking up where we left off after nominations, we get GinaMarie in the DR telling us that Candice is the target and Jessie is pawn.  In the words of McCrae: Duh.  GinaMarie also says that if she sounded harsh, it is because she is from Jersey and she is telling is like it is.  You mean, expect when Judd, Amanda and others were laughing at you during your nomination speech? Uh huh.  Youse a toughie.  Or maybe Amanda is a little more accurate when she said that GM is the cartoon character of herself in the house.  Sounds about right.

After her attempt to flay Jessie and Candice during the nomination ceremony, GM talks to Jessie in the HOH room telling her that she is the pawn this week.  Jessie takes in stride.  After this mini love fest, GM starts yelling at Candice to come up to the HOH room.  You could tell that she did not want to, but Candice is a good sport about it and marches up to the HOH room.  To be honest with you, I am not sure what GM accomplished with this discussion. She claims that she was trying smooth things over with Candice, but Candice did not appear to be buying. 

Here we go.  Time for everyone’s opinion on who they think is this week’s BBMVP. We start with Amanda who thinks that it is someone in the house. Why, you ask? Because she can’t believe that America would put her up.  Nope.  Not kidding.  Yep.  Welcome to Amanda’s bad edit episode. 

Of course, this is followed by a fight between Amanda and McCrae.  This fight is about Amanda’s jealousy.   You see, they were in the HOH room and Jessie walks in and sits by McCrae.  Did Jessie want to be close to McCrae? No.  IT WAS THE ONLY PLACE AVAILABLE TO SIT.  Amanda does not like this and tells McCrae to come sit on the bed with her.  McCrae does something stupid and tells her no.  Amanda gets mad and stomps out of the HOH room.  McCrae soon follows wondering what he did wrong. He soon finds out.  Amanda is jealous.  Yes, because Jessie sat next to MCCrae.  McCrae called it correctly – it’s high schoolish and silly. What is the point of all of this?  Bad editing for Amanda. 

Time for the BBMVP and pick the players for the POV comp.  As you can probably figure out from tonight’s lovely edit as to who is third nominee: yep, Amanda. And of course, she is PISSED.  In the DR, Amanda asks why? She claims that it doesn’t make any sense.  Earth to Amanda!! Earth to Amanda!!! You are the third nom for acting like this: an entitled spoiled little shit.    McCrae from DR: I am not surprised; she has been acting a fool lately. Well said McCrae, well said.  Anyway, the players for the POV comp are:  GM, Amanda, Candice, Jessie, Spencer, and Judd.  The host is Aaryn.

Wonderful.  More BBMVP talk.  Helen, Candice and Elissa believe that the BBMVP is Judd.  Amanda walks in and they ask her and of course she says Judd.  This lead to Amanda wondering around the house asking Judd and Spencer, separately, if they win the POV, will they take her off the block.  Of course Judd and Spencer say yes.  Amanda then wonders up to the HOH room where GM, Aaryn, Helen, McCrae, and Andy are talking.  Amanda basically buts in and puts GM on the spot and asks if she win POV, will she take her off the block.  GM says yes.  This, of course and rightly so, pisses off Aaryn, who gets up and storms out of the room.  Aaryn knows that if Amanda comes off the block, she is going up.  The entire time, McCrae is shaking his head.  This leads to another fight between Amanda and McCrae in the Have-Not room. 


When Amanda and McCrae finally calm down, Big Brother figures this might be a good time to play the POV comp.  The HGs walk out in the BY to find that it has been transformed into a backwoods Bayou frog pond.  At one end of the pond is a wood deck and on the other side of the pond are fake lily pads with different point amounts in each lily pad.  The POV players are given a stuffed frog that they have to throw from the wood deck to the lily pads.  The player with the lowest point level at the end of each round, get to pick a bucket whatever “prize” they pull out, they win.  Well, expect for when the next loser loses and if they don’t like what they “won,” they can swap for someone else’s “prize.”  Think Yankee Swap.  Got it? Good.  Let’s get on with the comp.

GinaMarie is the first one out and she pulls the Veto out of the bucket she chose.  Amanda is the next one out and she trades the “Cone of Shame” for the Veto.  Candice is the next one out and she trades a trip to the Bahamas for the Veto.  Spencer is next and he trades “50 Shades of Orange” (50 spray on tanning sessions) for the Bahamas trip.  GM was really upset, as she wanted the “50 Shades of Orange.” No, that was not a joke.  She really wanted it.  Jessie is next and she trades $5,000f for the Veto.  Judd, who won the comp, trades a “Clownitard” for $5,000.  So, the “prizes” ended up as follows:

GinaMarie - Cone of Shame
Amanda – 50 Shades of Orange
Candice - Clowitard
Spencer - Bahamas trip
Jessie – Veto
Judd – $5,000

One highlight during the POV comp was when GM read the card for the “Cone of Shame” which said that it had to be worn for 48 hours.  She asked if that was like two days right? Nothing but crickets folks, nothing but crickets.  Someone finally realized that she was serious and answered yes. 

The other highlight was the fight between Amanda and Candice.  Amanda overheard Candice telling Judd that Amanda thinks Judd is the MVP and Amanda thinks Judd is shady.  Amanda flips out and tells Candice to “shut your big fat mouth.” Candice starts singing or rapping some silly tune about how she will “all day, I’ll put you up.” Amanda’s responds by asking Candice if that is “Saniqua” coming out in her.  Amanda then says something it to affect that if that is racist, so be it. McCrae finally intervenes and tells both of them to stop.    Do they stop? Nope.  Candice is the next one out and has to stand next to Amanda, who was already out.  Amanda starts whispers zingers at Candice and Candice responds by yelling at Amanda.  Amanda tries to play it off like she didn’t say anything.  This continues throughout the rest of the comp, which lead Judd telling Jessie to take the Veto as he will not take it from her.  And that folks, is how Jessie won the POV.  Good grief.  Give me another Iceberg.

After the POV, McCrae rips into Amanda telling her that she needs to shut up and that she is being a bully. McCrae tells her that Candice is going home and she just wants to rub salt in the wound.  Amanda tells McCrae to just leave her alone.

As for the punishments, here is Candice in her Clownitard:

Here is Amanda after several tanning sessions:

And here is GinaMarie with the Cone of Shame:

At the POV meeting, Jessie, as expected, uses the POV on herself.  GinaMarie selects Spencer as the replacement nominee.  In the DR, Spencer thinks he is safe due to the fighting between Amanda and Candice.  Amanda thinks she is safe, as no one in the house likes Candice and Spencer.  Candice thinks she is safe due to Amanda’s melt down. 

Side note: on Twitter today, CBS Big Brother announced that both evictees from Thursday’s will be on the jury.  With the jury starting tomorrow, that means that there will be 9 HGs on the jury, making it the biggest jury in the BB history. 

With that, this episode is finally over.  So, what did you think of tonight’s blow out and Amanda mini meltdowns and fights? Who do you think is going home Thursday? What do you think of having 9 on the jury?  Sound off below and let us know what you think.

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