Before we get to the events that have transpired over the last
48 hours, I first would like to thank CBS for addressing the racial and homophobic
comments that some of the HGs have been making.
CBS did not address every HG and every comment, but this is a first for
CBS Big Brother to address such issues on the TV shows. For that, I applaud them. We still have a long way to go, but this is a
start. Thank you CBS Big Brother.
As for what is going on in the house, I think pictures are a
much better indicator. You know, such as
a photo like this:
Or this:
Yep. That happened. In fact, the bandaids were the only thing she
wore up top most of the night/early morning.
In the words of Amanda: if you are not showing nipple, it is not
nudity. Try and explain that one to your
parents boys and girls.
Not wanting to
miss out on a golden opportunity, Big Brother even made a comment about
BB: Amanda, attach your microphone
to your shirt.
Amanda: I’m not wearing a shirt.
Yep. It was a fun drunk filled
night. Of course, it did not end
there. Kaitlin and Jeremy where feeling
a little frisky and finally said to hell with it and relieved their sexual frustrations. Yes, they had sex. Yes, it was caught on camera. No, I don’t have the FlashBack time. For me,
the most hilarious part of them having sex is that Kaitlin was complaining of a
UTI a couple hours before they did the deed.
Can you say Yuck?
I will have to say that the funniest thing about the whole
bandaid tatas parade is that Helen and Andy did not want any part of it and
disappeared somewhere else in the house to talk game. Yes they did.
At least Elissa had the common decency to sit on the couch in the back
yard and watch the events unfold.
Okay, now as to actual gameplay, let’s get caught up. (Please forgive me, as you probably already
know most of this) Aaryn is the HOH and she nominated Elissa and Helen. Elissa is the BBMVP and she nominated
Jeremy. Jeremy won the POV and will
probably take himself off the block. I
say maybe because his arrogance may get the best of him and he may think that
he is safe enough that he does not need to use the POV. Oh how I would love for
that to happen. He is such a douche
bag. Just how big of a douche bag you
ask? Let me put it this way, I’m pretty sure that he was still wearing the POV
necklace when he was having sex with Kaitlin Sunday night/Monday morning. Enough said?
Good. Moving on. The POV ceremony is Monday and we will find
out for sure. If Jeremy does take himself
off the block, it appears that Elissa will nominate Nick. If not Nick, then Kaitlin, which is who Aaryn
wants gone. Why? So she can have Jeremy
to herself. Nope. Not kidding. Can we say sloppy seconds? You know, I think I just prefer Yuck.
As to Nick, he heard that he might be the replacement
nominee and decided it was time to talk to Elissa. That conversation lasted for about…10 seconds
as that is when Elissa got up with Nick in mid-sentence and left the room. Again, nope, not kidding. Nick could care less
as he believes that even if he is nominated, he has the votes to stay. By not engaging in a conversation with Nick
to see what he had to offer, Elissa may have just sealed her fate. Based upon current alliances and votes, Nick
should have enough votes to stay. Thus,
it comes down to Helen and Elissa. And
based on the majority of the house not liking Elissa, there is a very good
chance that she will see Julie this Thursday.
That is, unless she makes Kaitlin the replacement nominee…and then the
real fun starts. I mean shit hitting the fan kind of fun. The reason we buy the feeds kind of fun. Not the above tatas kind of fun, but the…okay, you get
my point. It will be fun to watch everyone scramble. I suspect that AG knows
this and the DR handlers will be pushing Elissa in the DR to put up Kaitlin. Let’s
hope so anyway.
That is it for now. What
do you think? Should BB give them alcohol every night? Is Jeremy really a
douche bag? Who will Elissa put up as the replacement nominee? Sound off in
the comments below and let us know.
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