Saturday, July 6, 2013

Elissa is the BBMVP...Again

Well, that did not take long.  Looks who's the BBMVP again.  Let's hope she puts up Jeremy or Kaitlin.


  1. Buahahahahaha .... she put up scum/d-bag Jeremy!!! Yippee skippee ... can you see me doing a happy dance? At first I wasn't thrilled with Elissa, but I'm liking her more & more. Big deal her sister was way over the top twice on BB ... and won! I hope her new found popularity doesn't go to her head and she becomes a Rachel clone. We can only hope.

  2. I don't know what is wrong with her, but she irrates me to no end. She speaks so slowly, like she is not all there. And then the DRs and all of the one-liners - Just Stop It. Please.
