Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dexter Gets a Message from a Tennis Ball and Gina is Sent to BB Jail

Well, it looks like BB needs to beef up security. Somehow, someone got close enough to throw a tennis ball into the backyard.  On the tennis ball was a message to Dexter telling him not to worry that Jemima was leaving on Friday.  None of the House Mates got close enough to the tennis ball to see the full message, but a couple were able to read was the part telling Dexter not to worry. Nice BB, very nice.  If anyone is interested, there is probably a security guard position available with BB.  All applications should be sent to Channel 5. Thanks.
If that was not enough, BB was all over Gina this afternoon.  Apparently, Gina has been hiding alcohol.  Don’t ask.  I have no idea how anyone can hide anything in that house with that many cameras.  My guess is that someone fell asleep at the controls.  Anyway, she pulled out a couple of beers and poured herself a tall cold one.  Instantly, Big Brother was all over her.  There was no "please" from BB.  It was get to the DR NOW.  Of course, Gina being Gina, took her sweet time and was trying to drink the beer as fast as possible.  Of course, this pissed off BB and BB continued to yell at Gina to get to the DR.  Gina finally made it to the DR and a few minutes later, Gina was asking all of the House Mates for any all alcohol that was hidden away.  Once all of the alcohol was back in BB’s hand, Gina was sent to BB Jail.  My guess is that BB is also hiring for a position in the control room. 

In other news, on July 6th, Channel 5 is dropping their nightly two hour live streaming from the house.  No reason has been provided, but the rumor mill is saying that is from the dismal rating. To say that it has not been a good day for BB is an understatement.
Don’t forget to tune in tonight to find out who the public saves from possible eviction. Oh, and there is also that other thing that starts tonight…Big Brother US.  If you get the time, drop a line and let me know what you thought of the BB15 season launch. Till next time...Ta Ta. 

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