Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Big Brother 15 Launch

We have been complaining about it for the last several seasons.  The BB Gods heard us and finally delivered.  16 brand spanking new HGs.  Well, except for one.  With 15 newbies, I am willing to let her slide.  For now.  If you don't know who I am talking about, then there is no need to explain.  Anyway, LET THE SEASON BEGIN!!!

The show begins with Julie inside the house. If you have not seen it, there are several photos and videos online and it is sooooo much better than last year.  After the intro, we get the front of the house.  Holy crap.  What a make over.  So much better.  Now BB, let’s talk about HD.  What in the hell is it going to take to get you to switch to HD.  I mean, holy shit.  Besides BB, are there ANY shows that are not in HD?  Time to step it up BB. Moving on.
Next, we get the new HGs getting their keys letting them know that they have been picked to be on the show.  Ummm…yeah, with a camera in your face, please try to act surprised.  I will spare you and skip this part. 
Time for the HGs to move into the house.  The first group consisted of GinaMarie, Judd, Candice, and Andy.  After GinaMarie got her scream on, the second group moved in, which consisted on Jeremy, Kaitlin, Elissa, and McCrae.  The third group was Helen, Nick, Howard, and Jessie; and the fourth group was Spencer, David, Aaryn, and Amanda.  Even though we did not really get to see it, by the time the fourth group moved in, all of the beds were taken. Time for some to start doubling up.

Next we get the traditional meet and greet.  The one thing that stood out for me is that David is a complete and utter moron.   There is no hiding it.  He makes stupid look like a genius.  He does not draw unemployment because he is lazy, he draws it because he is so stupid that no one will hire him.  Unbelievable.  The second thing that stood out is Elissa saying that she is going to keep it a secret that Rachel is her sister.  That lasted about…ummm....10 minutes.  Thanks to the lovely CBS editing, we did not get to see just how many, if not all, HGs know that Rachel is her sister.  Hopefully we will find out on Sunday.
Now that the HGs are in the house, let the secret alliances begin.  The first group of idiots…errr…secret alliance members are Jeremy, Spencer, and Howard.  Exactly 30 seconds later, Jeremy, Jessie, and David formed a secret alliance.  A few minutes later, one of the girls mentioned something about an all girls alliance.  Obviously, someone has NEVER watched BB before.  You asked for newbies, here ya go!!!  Gotta love it!!!

Time for the first twist of BB15.  Julie reveals to the HGs that there will not be two nominees this year.  Some brilliant newbie said, “what, there will only be one?” I swear to God, I am not making this shit up.  Someone actually said that.  Like I said above, you wanted newbies, here ya go.  Anyway, the first twist is that every week there will be three nominees.  The HOH will pick two and the third will be picked by…we will get to that in a minute.  No really, Julie would not tell us.  We all had to wait.

So, on with the first HOH comp.  It is the typical hang on to some large stuffed thing as long as you can.  Like the banana thing last year.  This year is a “popsicle” while getting sprayed with some type of crap and a large tongue smacking them.  Judd and Howard were the first to fall claiming that they dropped on purpose, as they did not want to be the first HOH.  When it got down to the final four – David, Jeremy, Nick and McCrae, Julie offered a deal for the next one to drop: a chance to open one of two lunch boxes, which one of the lunch boxes contains a “Never Not” pass.  What is a “Never Not” pass you ask?  Exactly what it sounds like, a pass where you are never a Have Not.  What the hell?  How cool is this? Freaking awesome if you ask me.  Idiot David can’t resist and drops.  Of course, he picks the wrong lunch box.  Two seconds later, Jeremy drops and wins the “Never Not” pass.  Did I mention that Jeremy is a douche bag? Nope? Well, he is.  Big time.
With only Nick and McCrae left on the Popsicle, Nick quickly makes a deal with McCrae.  With that, we have the first BB15 HOH: Congrats McCrae!!!

After the HOH comp, Julie gather the HGs in the living room to explain the next twist, the BBMVP. The BBMVP  (BB - Big Brother  - MVP - Most Valuable Player - yes, I had to explain that as there is a good chance that David is reading this) will have the power to select the third nominee.  The BBMVP will be told in secret that they are the BBMVP and their nomination will also be made in secret. And who will pick the BBMVP?  Us, the viewers.  We get to vote every week who we want to be that week’s BBMVP. If this does not get abused, yeah right, this has a great opportunity to be a great twist.  Chances are, BB will find a way to screw this up.

Well, that is it.  Welcome to BB15.  What did you think?  Love or hate the new HGs?  And what about the new twists?  Sound off in the comments bleow and let us know!!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Didn't realize when I deleted a comment it would still show that I previously posted something. Oh well -- live & learn! I need to upload a picture now. Great article -- I look forward to reading more & commenting when I can!
