Friday, August 9, 2013

Double Eviction and Some Serious Nastiness - BB15 Recap

Anticipating a fast pace action episode, no drink recipe tonight, just straight shooter.  Grab that shot glass, gulp it down and let’s get on with the recap.

Julie starts the show tonight telling us that it will be a double eviction and that both evictees tonight will be will become the first and second member of the jury.  Julie also tells us that there will be more surprises to come.

Picking up after the POV ceremony, we get Spencer in the DR telling us that he is safe.  We then get a Candice DR saying that Amanda has put a target on herself.  And to round it out, we get an Amanda DR telling us that thanks to the BBMVP, “I have to be nice Amanda.”  Yeah right.  Didn’t know such a thing existed. 

Now that I have said that, what do we get next?  Yep, Amanda being nice to Jessie.  In fact, she even apologized to Jessie.  And just as soon as Amanda said the magic words of “I’m sorry,” we transition to the DR where Jessie says that she is not buying it.  Nice try Amanda.

For Flashback Wednesday, we have the final four deal that was made a while ago between Andy, Amanda, McCrae and Judd.  Back to current time, Amanda is in the DR saying that she is 99.9% sure that Judd is the BBMVP.  Can you say foreshadowing? Big Brother can.

Candice can’t believe that she is a bigger target than Spencer or Amanda.  Really Candice?  How would you know anything? You have spent the entire week in bed.  Please Candice, go back to sleep.

Up next is Jessie and she is telling Helen that she wants Amanda out. Helen says that she has to get the votes first.  Jessie finds Judd and he does his best him-hawing to avoid agreeing with Jessie.  Transition to Judd in the DR tells us that he is in an alliance with Amanda.

Helen finds Andy and drags him into SR and pitches the idea of evicting Amanda. Andy him-haws around the subject while hinting that it is not a good idea.  Transition to Andy in the DR telling us that is in an alliance with Amanda.

Back from the commercial, Julie tells the HGs that this will be  the biggest jury with  9 jury members.  The HGs are ecstatic.  Julie also tells the HGs that just because you are on the jury, that doesn’t mean you are out of the game.  Translation: if you evict a HG that production likes, production will put them back in the house.  How do you like them apples?

All right, finally time for the first eviction.  Candice is first to give a “save me” speech.  Holy crap.  Candice goes right after GM.  “You think I am a rat?” GM fires right back.  Candice goes off even more and GM just keeps getting louder.  Holy crap…THIS IS AWESOME!!! Julie tries to intervene, but neither Candice nor GM have any plans on stopping any time soon.  Julie is basically yelling at them, but to no avail.  Julie finally gives up and tells Spencer that is it his turn.  Spencer stands up and starts his speech, but you couldn’t hear him over Candice and GM bickering at each other.  They finally shut up and you hear Spencer telling Union Pacific thank you.  Oops.  Hey Spencer, Union Pacific does not like you any more.  Still being shell shocked from GM and Candice, I really don’t have a clue what Amanda said.

I need a shot of something. 

As for the votes, here ya go:

McCrae – Candice
Aaryn – “I vote to evict Candice the Clown”
Helen – Candice
Jessie – Candice
Elissa – I really don’t want to, but I vote to evict Candice
Andy – Candice
Judd – Candice

During the voting, you could hear GM and Candice still bickering at each other.  Too funny.   Also, if you don’t want to vote for someone, THEN DON’T!!! Grow a freaking spine and shut the hell up.  I understand voting with the house, but I don’t need to hear how you don’t want to do it.  It’s your game and your vote.  Don’t bitch to me about it. 

With a unanimous vote, Candice is evicted.  As Candice walks out, GM says don’t let the door hit you on the way out.  Candice yells back at GM, “Go back to your mom’s house.”  GM yells back, “at least my mom likes me, not like yours.”  Holy Shit. No she didn’t?!?!?  Oh yes she did. Unbelievable.  I really can’t believe that GM just said that.  Wow.  That is scraping the bottom of the barrel low.  Wow.

The HOH comp is BB Summer School.  The HGs are asked questions about things that have happened in the house and they have to answer with More or Less.  The first question is how many plane chairs are in the Plane Room, more or less than 12?  Elissa was the only that got it wrong and it out.  Andy and Jessie went out next.  No one missed the third question and Aaryn was the only one that got the fourth question right.  Yes, that’s right, Aaryn is the new HOH.  And from her reaction, she did not want to win.  This is her third HOH victory. 

As we come back from commercial, Aaryn does not know who to put up.

Julie tells us that the BBMVP twist is over…but does not tell them that BBMVP has been America for the last three weeks.  If Judd is not puckering, he should be.

Julie finally lets Aaryn proceeds with nominations and she puts up Jessie and Spencer.

During the commercial, they picked the POV players.  Playing will be Andy, Judd, Aaryn, Amanda, Spencer and Jessie.  The POV is Big Brother Work Shop “Nailed It.”  The HGs have a workbench that has holes for nails.  The nails are behind them. They have to race to find the correct color and size nail that fit in the holes on their workbench. Fast forward, Aaryn wins. Can you say Comp Beast? Aaryn can.

At the POV ceremony, Aaryn takes off Jessie off the block and puts up Judd.  What in the hell just happened?  Holy Shit.  Told you.  Remember, up there, where I said foreshadowing?  Hello Judd.  Aaryn said that she did not know that she was being played and that everyone but two HGs wants Judd on the block.

Speech time:

Spencer – Please keep me. 

Judd – Obviously you want me gone, what you are hearing is not true.  Please vote how you really feel.  He looks at several HGs and asks them to change their votes. 

Just like Judd, I can see the writing on the wall.  Votes:

Amanda – Judd
McCrae – Judd
GinaMarie – Judd
Andy – Judd
Helen – Judd
Elissa – Judd
Jessie – Judd

Judd has been evicted.  How sad. 

Julie asks Judd what just happened? Judd says that he guesses that he just got blindsided.  He said that he was loyal to Amanda, McCrae, Andy, and, at the end, Aaryn.

Wow.  I really don’t know what else to say other than wow.  All right, your turn.  Sound off below and tell us what you thought of tonight’s show.  As for me, enough of the shot glass, I need the damn bottle.  Cheers!

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