Monday, April 8, 2013

Quattro's Ghost

It was an eventful night up north in the Big Brother Canada house last night.

Why not, bro?

The houseguests realized that Tom's picture was back in color and spent much of the evening spotting signs around the house that pointed to his imminent return.

Did you hear that?
As they talled up the clues (cards, extra chairs, and for some reason, shoe polish), they heard footsteps from the direction of the Diary Room and began to freak out.

By this point, Talla was so spooked that she took a broom to protect Jillian, who thought she heard a dog barking in the backyard and went to investigate.

Safe from Tom
Andrew should never have taken Talla to see Evil Dead.

So is Tom returning to the game? Of course not, the whole thing seems to be the work of Peter, who was spotted earlier in the day hiding many of the objects that were later found, including Tom's monkey.

Marsha's favorite
Late in the discussion, Peter started dropping hints for them to check the HOH room for more clues, and verbally tallying up all the clues that were found, loudly, for Big Brother to analyze. Emmett and Jillian insisted they already had checked HOH, which was true, but they're not revealing the many clues that they discovered in her room, thinking that they might be keys to a power. Yes, because Tom's stuffed monkey is going to be the key to the Diamond Power of Veto.

Looking for a higher power
There might be something to it, though - the Diary Room apparently told her to "look to a higher power", and she and Emmett took the search very seriously. The house may actually fail Peter's task because of Emmett and Jillian's paranoia.

Quattro's dying breath
Speaking of Emmett and Jillian's paranoia, the nu-Quattro members finally had the confrontation they've been building towards for days. Oddly, they did it out in the open by the kitchen, in angry whispers. 

Topaz was spotted on another feed silently picking her nails in the bathroom for most of the duration of the argument. Listening in? If so, she probably didn't hear anything that would have contradicted the truths Alec laid out for her earlier in the day. The conversation seemed to be his legitimate attempt to salvage Quattro and his showmance and get Talla on the block. He didn't argue against putting Topaz on the block, but he didn't endorse it enthusiastically the way he would have a week or two ago. 

Deflecting a target
Alec tried to convince them he would still be loyal, including an offer to literally sit out the next HOH competition, but Emmett wasn't having it. Both of them grew more and more angry, with Peter and Jillian trying to calm them down.

Emmett's favorite ally
Emmett was trying to create some indignation over Alec's moves in the house, but Alec was able to blow off most of his arguments. 

The real truth here is that Emmett found a better deal in a final four with Andrew and Talla, where he's at a competitive advantage, and he wanted to take his chances. Oddly, this may mean he goes home if he loses the final contests, but he seems willing to take that risk. 

He and Jillian pow-wowed afterwards and decided that Alec and Peter were condescending pricks, and it looks like their original plan is still on. Emmett did point out that keeping Alec could neutralize Talla, and leave them with no enemies in the house, so it's not out of the question, but it's looking slim.

Alec, or "Toast"
In other news, an update overnight on Jokers reported a hidden veto in a camera tree in the backyard, which would tie in with both Arisa's hints of a "mondo power" and the Diary Room's hints to Jillian to "look up". No one else seems to have spotted it, though, so it could be a misinterpretation or hoax.

Either way, the oddness hasn't stopped, and this should be an interesting week. Alec's only hope at this point is the magical camera tree veto, so that's about where his game stands. 

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