Sunday, April 7, 2013

Confidential to Alec

Dear Emperor of Doom,

You've been listening to me the last few days, it seems.

Dr. Won't
I said that I wanted you to come to your senses and recognize your mistakes with Topaz, and boy, you listened, creating maybe the best tragedy Big Brother has seen in years. Shakespeare couldn't have crafted it any better himself. This villain redemption arc should play out quite memorably on Canadian cable TV, and bravo to you for it.

So, it's done, and your time playing the game of your life is winding to a close. You've lost. You're going to hang out with Gary and AJ in a ski lodge somewhere for a few weeks before coming back to cast a final vote and try to figure out a way to party with the US reality stars in Vegas next summer, which seems to be one of your primary motivations for doing the show. (You should totally hit our New York City BB15 Premier Party in June, by the way, but we can discuss that later. Moving on.)

What do you do next?

There's one major thing Alec needs to do in order to preserve a Big Brother legacy for himself, and it's the one thing that hasn't occurred to him yet.

He needs to sit Peter and Topaz's asses down stat, and make them realize that if they can't crack the Team Nova Scotia/Buck Chargers/whatever alliance (Buck Chargers is TNS + Talla), they've got to trust each other and work together 100%.

Peter and Topaz are both poised to lose Alec as their key ally, and this is simply not a good time to be playing solo in the game. Peter needs Topaz's fire and aggression, and Topaz needs... well, she needs a warm body to align with, and Peter is that, at least. If it takes a mutual desire to avenge Alec in order to unite them, fine, but if they continue to be distant, their games are over and they'll be hanging with him pretty soon.




Well, maybe. It'd still take a good HOH/POV run, but that's always going to be easier with two people than with one.

Alec's gameplay is the perfect illustration of why strategic alliances matter more than alliances with people you actually like. Hell, it's perfect if they can't stand each other, all the better - just as long as they stay loyal. The fact that they've barely spoken the entire game means that if they can keep it quiet, no one will see them coming until it's too late, as obvious a pair as they are.

Alec's best move at this point is to quietly accept his fate and work to see that his loyal allies are established in the game before he scoots out the door on Thursday. If so, he might actually have someone worth voting for in the finals. If not, well, they'll have a fun April together in the Jury House.

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