Wednesday, July 17, 2013

BB15 Wednesday Night BBMVP and POV Recap

It’s Wednesday night BB recap time.  Who did America pick as this week’s BBMVP? Who is the third nominee? Who wins the POV?  Stay tune and let’s find out.

Picking up where we left off, Helen nominated Kaitlin and Aaryn for eviction.  The DRs by Kaitlina and Aaryn were actually not that bad, just the same rhetoric we usually see about getting off themselves off the block.  After the nomination ceremony, Kaitlin and Jeremy were talking about how the BBMVP will probably be Elissa…again…and he will get put on the block.  If that is not enough, we next get Helen in the DR telling us that she needs to talk to Elissa who will probably get the BBMVP again so that they can decide who to put up as the third nominee.  And take a wild guess who the BBMVP is?  Yep, Elissa.  HEY AG AND ALL OF THE DAMN BB PRODUCERS, EVEN THE HGS ARE GETTING TIRED OF THIS SHIT!!! Enough!!! Please!!! It is a joke. The best player is not winning the MVP.  Please, STOP IT NOW!!! As long as Elissa is in the house, she will be the BBMVP.  How about we just give her a three-week immunity pass and call it even and stop this non-sense of the crapola BBMVP?  I know, same rant from last week.  But, at least I feel better.  Moving on.

For the next 10 minutes, we get Elissa, Amanda, McCrae and Helen debating/arguing as to who the third nominee will be.  Actually, iit really was not a debate or even an argument.  It was Amanda making a lot of sense in selecting Howard to go on the block and Elissa, being the dumbass that she is, refusing to listen to logic and wanting to put up Spencer.  Let’s see, if your plan is to backdoor Jeremy and you want someone you nominate to win the POV so that you can control the replacement nominee, do you put up someone that is physically fit? Or someone that is not? Why yes, I would go with the latter every single time…if I were a freaking dumbass like Elissa.  “I was not going to be pressured on who to nominate.” SHUT. UP. You are an idiot. 

Before the POV, Amanda has a little chat with Kaitlin and basically tells her that Aaryn is on her own and she needs to win the POV.  And if she does win the POV and does not use it, she will be going home.  Kaitlin, surprisingly, took the news well. 

Time for the BBMVP nomination and the POV selection.  Of course, idiot Elissa picks Spencer.  How much you want to bet that Spencer finishes dead last in the POV comp? As for the POV comp, GinaMarie, and Candice were selected to play. 

The POV comp was “Keeping up with the Jones.”  One at a time, each POV player has to jump on a trampoline, look over a wall into a living room that contained several famous painting that had the HG’s faces on them, memorize the painting on the wall, get off the trampoline, run to their own living room, and hang the painting in the exact same order.  Fastest time wins the POV.  Guess who got exhausted? Guess who was so out of shape to the point that they had to cheat to complete the comp? Guess who did not get a time penalty for cheating because they were so far out of it that it didn’t matter? Guess who finished dead last? That’s right, Spencer.  Elissa, you are a freaking idiot.  As for the fastest time and the winner of the POV, that would be Kaitlin.

Sometime after the POV comp, Kaitlin talks to Helen about who the replacement nominee might be.  Kaitlin suggested that if she uses it, that Helen needed to put up Howard.  Helen point blank told her that she was going to put up Jeremy. Period. End of the story.  I will spare you all of the other conversations and tell you that Kaitlin used the POV and Helen, true to her word, put up Jeremy as the replacement nominee.

So, who do you want to see go home tomorrow? Who should have Elissa put on the block? Do you agree with me that Elissa is a freaking idiot?  Sound off below and let us know what you think.

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