Thursday, September 5, 2013

Double Eviction...500th Ep...Big Brother 15 Gets A Steppin

Tonight’s drink is in honor of a couple of HGs that decided to do the name of the drink to their game: Poison! May not be a good game move, but it is a damn good drink.  Grab a tall glass and add the following: 1.5 oz Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum, 5 oz Orange Juice, 3 oz Pineapple Juice, and .25 oz Triple Sec.  On with the recap of the 500th episode of Big Brother and the second double eviction of the season.

Picking up from the end of Wednesday’s ep, Redbeard tells us from the DR that he volunteered to go on the block…so he can brag that he has been on the block a record breaking seven times.  Isn’t that kind of a dubious honor? Kind of like being on the block and not using the POV that you won on yourself? Okay, thought so. 

After the POV meeting, Amanda thinks that GM targeting her is personal because GM is…get this…jealous of her and McCrae’s relationship.  BAHAHAHAHA.  This leads tot the 47th fight between them, which was a hell of a lot more entertaining on the live feeds.  Damn edit. 

Realizing that she needs to save her ass, Amanda goes to work on securing votes.  Her first victim…ummm HG…is Elissa.  And after a little while, Elissa actually agrees to save her.  Unbelievable.  They tell Andy who turns and runs to Judd and Spencer (part of his new formed alliance along with GM called the exterminators – Yes, I think it is a stupid name too) to let them know what Amanda and Elissa are doing.  Andy vows to vote to keep Spencer and that GM will evict Amanda, which I am sure will be done in a complete and total classy way.  Yeah, I could not keep a straight face with that one either.

Speech time:

Spencer – Thanks the entire world. 

Amanda – Loves everyone.

Votes to evict

Judd – Amanda
McCrae – Spencer
Elissa – Spencer
Andy – Amanda

It’s a tie and the deciding vote goes to GinaMarie.  Oh joy.  In her classless way, GM tells Amanda to “get a steppin”  She is such a lovely person.  I guess GM has never heard of jury management. 

In her interview, Amanda talks about Elissa giving up her wedding ring and how they are now getting along.  Amanda admits that she has no filter, that she has regrets, and that she is not a Jordan.  She admires McCrae and claims that McCrae plans to move to Florida where they will live together and she will be his Sugar Mama.

Goodbye messages: Elissa talked about their reconciliation and that she voted to keep her; GM continued with her stupid ass crass street crap and tells Amanda that she was exterminated; Andy tells her that he is a part of the exterminators, who he is in the alliance with, and that he voted her out as a game move to help him in the game; and McCrae professes his love for her. 

After the commercial break, we get the HOH comp called “Go Fetch” which is a find “two dog bones” version of the infamous Jeff Clown Shoe POV comp.  I will spare you the play by play….MCCRAE WINS HOH!!!  And before he can even put the key around his neck, GM has already cornered him.  Hey GM, you just told his Sugar Mama to get steppin, do you really think that there is anything you can say to keep you off the block?  Dumbass

Back from the commercial break and McCrae nominates GM and Elissa.  And then we get another commercial break.

Time for the POV, the BB 500, which is another re-hash from last season where the HGs have to drag, in this comp a race car, through a maze.  Again, spare you the details…your POV winner is J U Double D.  Yee Haw Y’all. 

Speech time for the POV:

Elissa – I did not know you where going to get backdoored.  I hope you use the POV on me.

GM – I am cool if you use it on me or not at all.  I don’t think you should use it on Elissa because I am a classless bitch like that. 

Judd decides not to use the POV.  Surprise. Surprise.  We call can see what is going to happen here…the last two weeks are going to be boring as hell.

Time for…yep, you guessed it, another commercial break. 

Eviction speech time

Elissa – I didn’t lie.  Please keep me.

GM – I’m loyal to the death.  Go hard or go home.  You know this.  I’m loyal to the death.  (As I have said before, I don’t speak stupid and I don’t have a clue what GM is trying to say)

Votes to evict:

Spencer – Elissa
Judd – Elissa
Andy – Elissa

Elissa has been evicted.

Instead of saying bye to anyone, she asks if she can get her bag.  Julie tells her no and then Elissa walks out without hugging anyone. 

Durning her interview, she tells Julie that she really can’t believe that McCrae voted out Amanda.  Julie is actually shocked and questions her about it.  Elissa does not pick up on the obvious hint that McCrae didn’t vote out Amanda.  Julies brings up Rachel and that is where I completely zone out.

Before the show ends, Julie tells us that there will be a Special Eviction next Wednesday followed by another eviction on Thursday that will leave us with the final three.

So, are you happy that Amanda and Elissa walked out the door? Will McCrae get his HOH basket?  Will McCrae actually move to Florida? Sound off in the comments below.

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