Friday, May 3, 2013

#BBCAN Morning Conspiracy Theory

Who's Number One?
I will have a lot more to say about the astonishing Big Brother Canada finale later, but I did want to highlight this intriguing conspiracy theory making the rounds this morning, posted at Survivor Sucks by mabc:
Been a lurker for a while, first post as I wanted to share some interesting things! As much as I believe this is true... there are conspiracy theories that are intriguing. Here are some things I noticed:

1) Notice how AJ does a face palm sign and says something foreshadowing about someone making a $100,000 mistake. Notice Topaz smiling. THEN he sits in Alec's chair and says something to Topaz and Topaz smacks him (Is the face palm a symbol for a "plan" they concocted?)

2) Alec comes up and also does the face palm sign and says "Darkness" (their plan?)... "I'll absolutely love how you'll win" (more foreshadowing to Jillian winning in this horrible way)

3) Topaz ALSO does the face palm sign! 150% secure x2... dig at Jillian's lies for sure. Is she really dumb enough to make such a mistake? She sure was squinting a lot (poor acting?)

4) Peter doesn't do the face palm (maybe since he's the last and just does his own thing to complete this plan) Now what injustice? 

Possibly the four believe that Jillian deserves to win, but wants to mess up her win. Maybe to them it was not fair that Gary got to go back in the house and not them. Maybe they feel that since production screwed them over with the Topaz twist they want to mess up the show ( also Gary winning is probably what production wanted). Could they have thought about such a scenario and pre-plan this whole thing? 
Wow. Could they? Hmmm. It's wild, but it would explain some of those ironic and weird comments from Alec, AJ, and Topaz, as well as why no one seems that upset about it today.

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