Saturday, April 13, 2013

Worst Punishment Ever

As part of this week's Have Not punishment, Andrew and Talla are required to wake up an hour early every morning and watch a ten minute compilation video of Jillian and Emmett making out.

I have to tip my hat to the Big Brother Canada production team. This may be the worst punishment ever.

Andrew: "He's got the wandering hands!" Talla: "He does."
I was up in time for the first session this morning. 

Andrew: "What are you doing?" Talla: "Hands off..." Andrew: "YOUR HANDS ARE BELOW THE EQUATOR."
Andrew and Talla were not quiet about their reaction, and managed to wake up both Jillian and Emmett, who stumbled out to investigate, even as Andrew yelled at him: "You do not want to watch this!"
Emmett, a little too interested in the footage
It's also interesting timing, given that Andrew and Talla should really be spending time this week thinking about just how close Emmett and Jillian are. Will it have any impact on their gameplay?

It might not matter - after last night's promising developments, Jillian and Emmett flipped back to putting up Peter and Andrew, after dumbass Peter pointed out that Emmett could end up on the block if Andrew won POV and saved Talla (um, yes). Granted, Peter is probably just covering his ass, but he's limiting his options.

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