Thursday, April 18, 2013

Slurpy Derp

Feeds came back to a familiar sight tonight:

Emmett and Jillian making out in the Head of Household room.

This after a fairly interesting live show. We finally got some jury house footage.

Alec is apparently still spending his time in jury house spouting out utter nonsense in between getting laid (whoops - well, you go get yours, Topaz, girl.)

With a Y! Spell it with a Y!
And he also had another typical Alec goof moment that positively slayed me: when he spotted someone making the Shield sign in the audience and leapt into the air, giddy, squealing that someone didn't hate him. 

He also uncharacteristically got something right for a change, correctly identifying Gary as the returnee as soon as Arisa announced the twist.

Interestingly, the vote wasn't all that far off between Alec and Gary, and if Peter hadn't lost momentum towards the end of the voting week, I suspect the results could have been quite different:

Meanwhile, Andrew is currently on the live feed saying exactly what occurred to me a few minutes before: 

This week is shaping up to be a virtual repeat of last week, with Emmett and Jillian in unbreakable power, and Gary substituted for Peter. The open question, and this is what will be interesting to see: Can Gary manage to do what Peter couldn't? It would be amazing if he can pull off the power move Peter dropped, and maneuver Emmett into evicting Jillian against his will.

Gary is a wild card this week, and as he's only briefly been seen on feeds since his return, it's too early to say which direction his game will go. 

What will he bring from the jury house into the game? Does he have any hope of regaining momentum at this point? 

At this point that's going to be about the only thing fresh about this week. 

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