So it's come to this.
Peter's cheese stands alone against an alliance of four, and the only thing standing between Slice TV and Nova Scotia domination is a public vote. (You can also tweet #bbcanbringbackalec to be counted, FYI, just saying.)
The feeds spent a long, sad few minutes focused on Peter alone in the kitchen last night, thinking. His eyes were flicking back and forth the whole time - clearly there was a great deal racing through his head.
He has to know he's at risk this week - he may not be nominated straight out, but if he doesn't win Veto tomorrow, he's gone, whether or not Alec gets voted back in.
So why didn't he pull Topaz down?
It seems like there was some kind of exchange with Emmett during the commercial break - we'll probably learn more on Sunday night's episode. Regardless Peter apparently was inclined to use the veto on Topaz, but because of whatever confrontation happened with Emmett, he changed his mind. That was why he looked so shaken when the commercials ended and the veto ceremony started.
Peter followed this unusual melancholy with a little Alec-like mugging for the cameras, and today he seems to be as social as he ever is. He's also a Have for the week, which is good if you're rooting for him going into tomorrow's all-important Power of Veto competition (as you should be, if you want an interesting end to this season.)
The question is, can he pull out a third Veto win in a row, or will he go down to the comp-beast skills of Emmett, Jillian and Andrew?
In other news, Alec got on the Big Brother Canada Twitter account today and confirmed that he and Peter are officially spelling the name of their alliance "The Sheyld". Um... uh... you should still vote him back anyway, just because.
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