Thursday, March 28, 2013

When Feeds Get Boring I Blog: By Ash

I have a special treat for you all during tonight's feed outage. 

Video contributor Ash, who was also one of my fellow cohosts on the Big Brother Gossip Show last season, has stepped up to contribute her blogging skills to Play By Play!

Welcome, and take it away, Ash:

"When Feeds Get Boring I Blog:

So what exactly IS going on in the BBCan house? Well, not a whole lot this week.  Although I am really liking this season in general so far, this week has been an easy, we all love each other (except for Suzette of course) so let's have family dinners and play in the pool together kind of week.  Not the kind of week us live feeders usually thrive on.  There HAVE been some strange whisperings going on in corners from time to time though, and these are the things I'm excited to see play out.  We already know that barring any strange new twists, Suzette will walk out the door tonight, but I want to know what it is that's going to happen in the coming week.

For those of us who have already realized that Alec has to be some distant, or not so distant relative of Grumpy Cat,  it comes as no surprise that he is discontent with his current "showmance" situation.  Alec has been talking all week to almost anyone who will listen about how he is..well  "just not that into her".  It all started with the ipod debacle when apparently the often sleepy Topaz fell asleep wearing Alec's ipod and so the powers that be (in this case Big Brother) took the ipod away and left Alec with no HOH music to listen to for the week.  This began the rift and at first Alec just complained of Topaz's distance from him after said incident. But, slowly but surely more details started to leak out until he was pretty much out and out saying "she isn't my cup of tea, but if I tell her that, I'm afraid I will lose her as a card to play in the game.".  Topaz of course isn't a dumb girl and is somewhat on to the fact that Alec may not be on her side as much as he would like her to think.  She is also likely aware that he will have no trouble sending her off to jury house when it comes down to her or one of his alliance members.  Her true allegiance seems to lie with Gary for the most part. As a die hard feed watcher and commentator, I am of course dying for the shit to hit the fan between the two because it will make for interesting viewing.

Speaking of Gary...Someone has a new power in the house and as of yet we don't actually know what it is.  Earlier in the week there was a task given by BB in which AJ and Suzette had to go on a double date and were not allowed to pick people currently in showmances... they chose Peter and Talla (mostly by default).  The feeds were shut down for the actual dinner, but when they came back, we were given hints to the idea that there had been some kind of pinata for the HGs not currently on a date to bust and apparently candy and some sort of prize came out of it. Gary won the prize...but here is where it gets interesting.  Several people have called it a veto and several have called it a veto ticket.  Gary himself has told several people that it just allows him to play in the coming weeks veto comp even if he is not picked, but he told Suzette that it allows him to replace one of the nominees if he so chooses.  I don't know what the truth is, but obviously there is a huge difference between a veto ticket and a diamond power of veto. I suspect that the task will be broadcasted as some of the filler on tonight's eviction show and we will learn what it actually is, but it's fun to speculate in between.  If Gary actually holds a DPOV then he is completely safe this coming week..which is good for his game since more than a few people have been whispering about wanting him out.  But, if it's only a veto ticket, it just means he is assured that he won't be truly back doored as he will have a chance to play in the POV comp.

There is also supposedly another "big twist" to the game about to be revealed tonight.  I am hoping that some people's speculations are right and that maybe it will be that this week is a double HOH.  That would liven things up..especially given the way this house has broken off.  Provided the two HOHs were not already a unit like Emmett and Jillian or Alec and Peter, picking nominees could get very very hairy.  The double HOH is all pure speculation though, and we won't actually know the twist until we watch the show (or someone who was at the live show leaks it).  

I am torn about what I would like to see happen in the coming week.  Anyone who follows my twitter knows that I am not a fan of Talla, but I think she has a good chance at HOH if it's an endurance comp, and I think a Talla HOH would be highly entertaining.  She is the epitome of a wild card.  Not only do I not know where her head is, I can barely understand the sentences she makes..when she finishes them.  So, having her in power would be something to behold. The only person I am pretty sure would be safe in that instance would be AJ..and I'm not even 100% sure of that. 

I am a fan of The Shield alliance, and I would like to see them make it far in the game, but I must admit, because they are not playing an anywhere near perfect game, I would like to see a few things happen that they did not plan out or some things that might make them poop their pants just a little worrying if things will work out in their favor or not.  Nervous house guests make for interesting feeds.  

I am also pretty okay with Emmett, Jillian, Topaz, and Gary at this point, and I enjoy watching Andrew and AJ as well.  I wasn't sad to see Tom or Liza go at all.  I was excited that Tommy the tool and his lizard tongued succubeast were evicted, but the problem now is that I don't really strongly dislike anyone outside of a few people who mildly get on my nerves. So I honestly don't have many people I am rooting for harder than the others.  I am just hoping the HOH win will be whoever can shake up the house the most this week.  

So that's it, that's where I'm at and that's pretty much what happened this week.  Now I just get to sit and wave bye bye to Suzette and all her tears and self pity and hope for a big week this week.  What do you all think?  Any speculations? Who are your favorites?"


  1. Like, O M G, like it is about like freaking ass time that Ash got up off her like freaking ass and posted like a freaking ass blog about Big freaking ass Brother Canada but, like I like have a bone to pick with you, like as I, Talla's big sister like big as in older not like big as in big, like there is nothing wrong with big like I am just not big like just older but not like ancient you know, like just a little bit bit older, but like there is like nothing like wrong with like being older, you like know, eh, but like that bone I like have with you know, like how do you not like my sister Talla, like she is like the best and like you know would like make a great freaking ass HOH eh like you know she would not like sleep all freaking ass day like you know some other freaking ass person who's initials are like TOPAZ eh like you know and think about like all of the freaking ass caffeine powered like HOH conversations like she would have with like EVERYONE and the alcohol, like all of the like alcohol that like all of the other houseguests would get eh, like she would be like the freaking ass bomb eh, like a drunk Talla is like an awesome Talla eh, so like you know I just don't like understand why anyone like would not like that. like you know?

    1. Holy cow! Your comment as Talla is astoundingly as confusing as she is to watch. I felt exactly the same way trying to read that comment as I do trying to listen to she and AJ talk strategy. I think you may need to stay far far away from the Talla clips during the feed black out. You are a bit too accurate. =)

    2. Like i am sure like I have no freaking ass idea like what you are like talking about as I am like clear as a lead bell as like I like think you may need like some coffee you know like ;-)

  2. Replies
    1. Like O M G, like really, like freaking ass why do you like need to like hide the freaking ass coffee, like really? Eh?

    2. Because, Talla, you got so hyper you just posted that comment twice on two different blogs.

    3. Well like I do like really enjoy my like coffee, you know, eh?
