Thursday, March 21, 2013

Slop Brain

Alec seemed to be having a rough time on the live show, even if the results worked out well for him.

First, he accidentally voted to evict his Shield alliance-mate, Peter:

Not sure if voting for alliance, or eviction
Then, after positively killing the HOH comp, he had the opportunity to either win or throw it, and chose to throw it - in the most obvious, no-questions-asked way possible:

Hint... hint... hint...  
Hint to Alec: Next time, just hit the wrong button, buddy.

Whatever. (Feed Alec.) It was still a good night for every Quattro member not named Tom. Peter even got about thirty minutes to lord over being in the house with Liza and no Tom.

The next 20 minutes are mine... mine!
And it was a great night for Gary.

Mission accomplished
Let's talk about Gary for a second. He didn't play a perfect HOH, but for a twenty-one year old kid, he didn't do a terrible job gathering information and holding his cards close to his chest. 

Gary was not happy with the way Tom treated him during last week's HOH reign, and played this week masterfully to get him out. He was lucky, Quattro was just as ready to pitch Tom overboard as he was. The way he managed his manipulations this week was terribly risky, but he pulled it off successfully. 

The question is, how many people are once again being rubbed the wrong way by Gary and his flamboyant ways? 

HOH will be played tomorrow, so Andrew gets to enjoy his reign for a few more hours. 

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