Sunday, July 28, 2013

America’s #BB15 Crap Choice - Shouldn't Crap Actually Be An Option?

Hello America.  We believe that the House Guests have been a little pampered this year.  Last week's Champagne, Brie and strawberries didn't receive the gag factor that we were hoping for.  So, after several long discussions that usually started with offering our favorite HG, (you know who we are talking about) steak and lobster, (what did you really think they were doing in the DR for an hour? It only takes five minutes to tell them what to do. Come on people…) we decided to amp it up this week.  Something that would really...RUN...through the house, if you will.  Pending approval from the big bosses at CBS, we are going rig (no, we don’t normally rig comps…okay, fine, not all of them are rigged) a comp wherein everyone becomes a Have-Not for the week.  Except, this will be a Have-Not week like you have never seen before. We are taking away the slop.  Yes, that is right, there will be no slop.  There will also be no food seasonings. Yes, we here at Big Brother have always that it was cheating as well.  As much as you people bitched about it, how could we take it away? We took great pleasure in watching you guys bitch about it.  We are allowed to have fun as well, right? Where was I? Oh seasonings. The only...ummm…substance?...that they will have is the...ummm…item...that gets the highest number of votes.  No other food.  No condiments or spices.  No nothing other than what you vote for.  Yes, you can applaud now. What will they have to eat you ask? No, not mackerel or pumpernickel or figs.  Don't start bitching or we just might give them steak and lobster…not just to our favorite HG either.  This time America, your vote will actually count.  You really get to decide what the HGs will get to eat this week.  Your choices are as follows:

1. Chicken Shit

2. Cow Shit

3. Horse Shit

That is right America, this week some form of shit is going into the house.  And they will be forced to eat it.  (I said a form of shit, not piece of shit.  We already know that there are pieces of shit in the house.  Don’t make me break out the steak and lobster) And now, for the added bonus:  if we receive over 3 votes, (yes, just 3) we will give them all three form of shit.  Yes, you can applaud loudly now America!!! The HGs are finally going to understand what it really is like to be a Have-Not!!!

Get to voting America.  Let's get 3 votes and really get things running through the house this week!!!

Thanks America!!! Your friend and favorite EP – AG

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