Now that it has been a
couple of days and the newness of the HGs are wearing off and the tweets have
gone from 500 a minute to a little under 100, we can finally take a moment to catch our breath. Breath in. Breath out. Okay. Let me
get something out of the way that I never thought would cross my lips, let
alone that I would actually put in writing: Thank you Robyn Kass, you did an excellent
job casting 16…errr 15.5… newbies for our beloved show!!! (For the idiot
impaired, Elissa is Rachel’s sister) Thank you! See? I said that with a straight face and I did not gag
once. Yes, you can clap. Thank you.
With that out of the way,
let’s get caught up as to what is going on in the house: McCrae is HOH.
He has nominated Candice and Jessie.
Elissa won the BBMVP (Shock me shock me). The Have Nots are Andy,
Elissa, Judd, Howard, and Helen.
Elissa nominated David. A
shit load of HGs played in the POV.
McCrae won the POV. Breath in.
Breath out. Okay, I think
that covers the easy stuff. Got it? Good. Because it is about to get difficult.
Moving on to the
alliances. Let’s start with
the easy one: if there is an alliance, McCrae is part of it. Not kidding. Really. Grab some patience and I will prove it. The Moving Company (I kind of actually
like that name) consists of Nick, McCrae, Jeremy, Howard, and Spencer. Next is the Party-Darty Pizzalliance (I
wonder who made up that name?) that consists of McCrae and Judd. Then there is the McCranda Alliance
that consists of McCrae and Amanda (Get the name now? Get it? Get it? Forget about it) And finally there is the
Boom Squad aka Blondetourage Alliance that consists of Aaryn and David (Daaryn)
Jeremy and Kaitlin (Jeaitlin) and Nick and GinaMarie (NickMarie). 3 out of 4. Not bad McCrae. Those that appear to not be in alliance
are Helen, Andy, Elissa, Jessie, and Candice. Confused yet?
Join the club. And no, I
did not make any of these alliance names up. Seriously. I
didn’t. As for romances, don’t
even get me started. Let’s just go
with what I just listed with those funny mashed up names and leave it at that. K? Thanks.
Okay, now for the
BBMVP. Let’s start with what we
know, which is very little. Every
week, America gets to vote for who they think has played the best game that
week. (Exchange “played the best”
with “who’s your favorite” or my personal favorite “whoever AG wants it to be
that week”) Once the BBMVP has been selected, they have the power to nominate
someone right before the players are picked for the POV comp. That is all that we know for sure. There are still a lot of questions that
have not been answered. Can the
BBMVP be nominated and/or be a replacement nominee? (Best guess is yes) If the
HG nominated by the BBMVP is taken of the block via the POV, does the HOH or
the BBMVP select the replacement nominee? (Best guess is BBMVP) And, with a
different TV format than the last couple of seasons, (this year’s format is the same
as BB9) when in the hell is the POV ceremony? As with the other questions, we are not 100% positive...yet. As to the questions about the
BBMVP, we might never know, this way AG can make the shit up as she goes. And who said that Big Brother is not
manipulated show? Aww…to be young
and naïve.
Speaking of the POV
ceremony, the easy question supposedly has already been answered: Yes, McCrae
is going to use the POV. Who is he
going to put up? I really don’t
think anyone knows. Including McCrae. There have
been names bantered around…such as Elissa…and then thirty seconds later, she is
safe. At this point, who
knows? And with the POVC more than
likely occurring on Sunday, it will probably change a couple of thousand times
between now and then. In other
words, I have already wasted enough brainpower on trying to figure out this
riddle. Oh, one last thing, Elissa, being the first HG voted out? Hell has a
better chance of freezing over before AG lets that shit happen.
I don’t know about you,
but my brain has been taxed enough for one night. Keeping up with 16 HGs is almost impossible…but a lot of fun
in the attempt to keep up with what is going on. So, what do you think of our lovely 16 new HGs now that you
have seen them in the house for a couple of days? Who is your favorite?
Who do you like the least? Who do you hope gets evicted? Sound off in the comments below and let us
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