Thursday, August 15, 2013

BBUS Eviction Night Recap - Good-Bye Jessie and Hello Judd

So, what do you do when the feeds are boring? Well, if you are I, you drink. A lot. With the weather being oh so nice lately, I thought I would serve up some Mojitos. Not only are they fun to drink, they are also fun to make. In case you need a re- fresher course, here you go: glass, 12 mint leaves in the bottom of the glass, add some ice, 1.25 oz Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum, 1 tbsp sugar, and .5 oz lime juice. Muddle. I love that word and it is so fun to say: Muddle. You say it: Muddle. Isn’t that fun? Muddle. After muddling, add soda water and mint leaves. Viola. Sit back, relax, and drink. On with the update

Picking up where we left off after Andy elected not to use the POV, we get the standard post POV DRs from the nominees and the HOH.  Blah blah blah.  Moving on.  From the second Andy won HOH, the target has been Jessie.  In the hopes of having a peaceful week, everyone has been telling Jessie that she is the pawn for this week.  Still yet, Jessie keeps asking everyone for reassurances that she is the pawn.  When about two hours went by and Helen had not gone out of her way to tell Jessie that she is the pawn for the week, Jessie becomes suspicious.  Instead of confronting Helen, she runs off and finds Andy who tells her not to worry, she is the pawn for the week.  Andy finds Helen and Elissa and tells them that Jessie needs around the clock reassurance. Helen is beside herself and really does not want to have to reassurance Jessie every five minutes.  To be honest, I think Jessie would have settled for every ten minutes. 

So, up in the HOH room, where Helen is suppose to be reassuring Jessie, Helen basically says that Jessie tried to flip the house last week to get Amanda out.  Jessie gets pissed and walks out.  Shortly thereafter, Jessie confronts Helen outside at the pool table about why Helen is lying about trying flip the house last week in an effort to get Amanda out.  Helen denies that she was trying to flip the house on Amanda and storms off.  This is followed by a DR by Helen saying that it is not good for her game if Jessie keeps ranting. Jessie walks over to Amanda and McCrae and tells them that Helen was trying to get Amanda out last week.  Amanda, wanting to stir the pot, walks up to the HOH room and tells Helen that Jessie is outside talking shit about her.  Helen being the control freak she is can’t handle it and confronts Jessie.  And the fight is on.  Jessie spills everything…and the funny thing is that everything Jessie was saying was the truth.  Helen kept denying it and BB shows flashbacks that supports what Jessie was saying.  Liar liar pants on fire Helen.  Shame on you. 

Thinking that Jessie had gone to take a nap to recharge her batteries, Aaryn, Helen, Elissa, and McCrae are in one of the bedrooms talking smack about Jessie and that Jessie is the actual target this week.  And guess where Jessie was?  That’s right, outside of the door listening.  Jessie later confronts Andy about being the target.  Andy asks what she heard and much to Jessie’s credit, she does not say what she heard, she simply says, “what do you think I heard?”  Andy has a mini freak out and finds the other to let them know that Jessie overheard them.  Kuddos to Jessie. 

Jessie later finds Spencer and GM outside sitting on the couch.  She tells GM that Aaryn has been talking shit about her. 

Now, what they didn’t show on tonight’s episode is probably one of the best lines Jessie had all week: she followed Elissa around for a while and referred to her as “Rachel’s Shadow.”  At on point, she asked Elissa, who got breast implants first, her or Rachel.  Gold Star for Jessie.

Back to the fights.  Up in the HOH, GM finally has enough and calls out Aaryn...kind of.  GM says that Jessie told her that Aaryn has been talking shit about her, but that nothing negative has been said.  Hang on…what? I’m sure that in GM’s mind, this makes perfect sense.  But, for the rest of us sane semi-intelligent people, we don’t have a freaking clue what the hell GM means.  Apparently, neither did Aaryn as she goes tells GM that she has had enough of this and starts snapping back at GM.  GinaMarie, being who she is, is not going to sit there and take it, especially when she didn’t say anything negative to Aaryn, and snaps back at Aaryn.  Aaryn gets up and tries to leave the HOH room, but GM is right there on her heels.  Aaryn finally makes it out of the HOH room and GM follows.  Aaryn starts yelling at GM to leave her alone.  GM decides that she wants a house meeting and starts yelling at everyone in the house to come up to the HOH room.  Of course, Jessie loves what is going on.  They end up hashing it out in the HOH room but not before GM gets in a great one-liner:  “you’re snapping like a little Chihuahua.”

After the commercial break, Julie joins the HGs and asks various questions.  Even though it was better than the damn baby name crap, I still had one issue with one HG, let me sum it up this way: STFU HELEN!!!  Holy shit.  What in the hell is wrong with you?  Really, I want to know.  Do you have a corncob stuck up your ass?  Someone pull that damn thing out…like NOW!!! Rant over.  Moving on.

Speech time:

Jessie – I miss my family, great to get to know all of you, please keep me, love you all

Spencer – Love my brother who turns 30 tomorrow, you guys are great, I hope I can stay


Amanda – Jessie
McCrae – Jessie
Aaryn – Jessie
Helen – Jessie
Elissa – Jessie
GinaMarie – Jessie

In a 6-0 vote, Jessie is evicted.  By the way, this is not a shock to anyone.  Upon being told by Julie, Jessie is polite to everyone and hugs everyone.  A very nice departure.

Questions from Julie are about blow up she had the other day.  She had loyalty to Helen and felt betrayed by Helen.  She came into the game thinking she would have a friend, buddy, or showmance and it just did not work out.  In the good-bye messages, Amanda tells her that everyone has been lying to her and that this is what she gets for trying to flip the house; Aaryn is sad to see her go; Andy had to get her out as he can not carry her anymore and hopes she understands that it is a game move; Helen tells her that a lot went down and she really wanted Amanda out as well, but she needs to keep Amanda a little longer.  Hey you idiots…she is now a JURY MEMBER.  SHE WILL BE VOTING FOR ONE OF YOU TO WIN.  You are supposed to be nice to her in your good-bye videos.  In other words, LIE.  Lie your ass off to her.  Be nice.  Be sweet.  Think $500,000.  Got it?  Good.

The HOH comp is “Way off Broadway”.  It is a head to head comp where they will hear music from a previous comp and they have to figure out if it is from HOH, Have-Not, or Veto.  Loser is out and the winner picks the next pair.  In the first round, GM beat Helen.  In the second round, Spencer beat Elissa.  In the third round, McCrae beat GM.  In the fourth round, Aaryn beat Spencer.  In the fifth round, Amanda beat McCrae (McCrae threw it).  In the last round, Aaryn beat Amanda to become the new HOH!!!

At the end of the show, Julie announces that an evicted HG will return to the game.  It will either be Candice, Judd, Jessie or the HG that is evicted next week.  Hello BB Canada. 

So, are you happy with Aaryn winning her fourth HOH?  Should she have thrown it to let Amanda win? Does it matter since that they are in an alliance together? What about Judd…I mean an evicted HG coming back into the game?  Sound off below and let us know what you think.

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