Monday, April 22, 2013

This is our house. They are just guests here.

Hi again! Ash here. I was asked by Karen to guest her blog for a few days while she lets real life get in the way of her BB viewing.  I shall try to keep you all at least semi informed.  Now that introductions are done, let's just get right down to it.

Since the exit of Dan today, not a lot of gaming has really gone on, so I think I will just give you guys a quick rundown of the house as I see it right now and the things I want vs what I am currently hating.  You all are of course welcomed and encouraged to leave your own opinions .

As of now Andrew is currently the target and will likely be voted out on Thursday.  Jillian doesn't want to see him go because she has a final 2 deal with him..but since Gary now holds the veto and Talla will be the replacement nominee, I am sure she would rather take her chances with Talla than to try and go up against Andrew in the end.  Unfortunately, to the dismay of all of our eardrums, it's looking more and more like Talla will definitely make the final 3 with a strong possibility of even being dragged to the final 2 where she will lose to whoever takes her...but still take second place prize.  Please BB gods..don't let that happen?! I wouldn't "love it".

I won't lie to you friends I am extremely disappointed that the final 5 have come down to people who all have deals with each other and were once all one big alliance.  I was really hoping the inaugural season of BB Canada would bring more drama in the end with one side of the house being against the other etc..  Sadly, this is not the case.  The only person that wants Jill or Emmett out of the house (maybe) is Gary, and I'm not even sure after tonight's episode whether he is trying to get rid of Jill or not.  At first I thought he was, but then in his DR he revealed that he wants to take her to the end since everyone in jury is bitter and won't vote for her. Damn that Jillian..she is a strong enough player to keep herself in the game and annoying enough to where people still want to take her to the end because she may not win.

From a personal standpoint, the only final 2 I would really like to see happen would be Emmett and Gary.  Emmett may not be the most entertaining, but I feel like he has played a relatively smart game compared to the others and he has had quite a few wins despite his frequent DQs.  I would also like to see Gary pull it out just because it's unexpected and because Gary himself is unexpectedly a relatively good player.  He wins comps when he needs to most of the time and he is actually pretty perceptive of other players and their intentions.  I do realize that taking all personal like and dislike out of it that Jill and Emmett would be the best/strongest players for the final 2.  I was not as appalled as I normally would be or should have been to hear Emmett say "This is our house and they are just guests in it" during tonight's episode, because let's face it, with the recent HOHs being Jillian, Emmett, Jillian, Emmett, and some veto wins thrown in between...he is kind of right.

The one thing we can probably be almost sure of at this point is that Andrew is going to walk out the door on Thursday.  I'm not sad or happy either way about this.  I don't particularly like Andrew.  I find him funny and more entertaining than Talla any day, but I'm not getting my hopes high for her walking, so for now I will just say bye bye Andrew!

What do you all think?  Have any favorites? Who do you want to see make it to the end? Who do you hope walks on Thursday?  Hopefully more gaming will happen in the next few days so I will have more to inform you all on.

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