Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Moose is Cooked

Sure enough, today's Veto was the How Bad Do You Want It Competition. Andrew and Gary both wanted it, with Andrew getting a mohawk courtesy of Dan, and Gary getting slop for the rest of the game and a prisoner costume:

Gary wanted it more
Dan's influence on the game continued after the feeds came up, with Emmett finally opening up to Dan and deciding that it makes sense to boot Andrew now, and Gary and Talla making a quiet pledge not to nominate each other next week.

Meeting Marge
With the competition over and the backyard opened, Dan took a trip out to see the hot tub with Emmett and Andrew. He was very interested in Marge the Moose, asking if they talked to her, but didn't quite get it when they said no.

A tribute to Peter (RIP)
Back inside, he continued to grill them about who had talked to the other moose in the Diary Room hallway. Talla is the only one who has, for her talk show task the other day - no one else knows the secret of Marsha the Moose, who has only spoken to Talla, Peter and AJ. It took Dan a minute to realize his goof, as Talla played dumb and Jillian grilled Dan about why on earth he would ask about talking mooses.

Jokers reacts
Dan's goof went over the heads of most of the houseguests, but it didn't go unnoticed by the internet, or by Production, who called him into the Diary Room and elicited an apology a couple of minutes later (so as not to arouse suspicion). 

So the secret of the mooses remains (mostly) safe, and Dan is free to continue wreaking havoc on the house and entertaining the internet for the rest of the night. 

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