Monday, April 1, 2013

Talla's Folly

Big Brother's been pretty generous with the booze up north so far, which has resulted in some great drama (mostly off the feeds, unfortunately - I mean, how do you have a spin-the-bottle night and not turn the feeds on for that?)

The free-flowing booze may be drawing to a close.

Tonight the house was rewarded with girlie drinks by Canada's vote, and Talla reportedly snuck a few shots on her own. Talla, who is all of like ninety pounds soaking wet, apparently hadn't been eating.

So you know where this is going.

I got home right after she reportedly announced to a full hot tub that she had just peed in the water. For some reason, Peter decided he was going to step up and be the gentleman in this situation.

Peter does something, at last!
He lifted her out of the hot tub and started escorting her to the house.

It's easy to forget that Peter does have muscles...
Her gravity seemed to be a little more challenged as they entered the kitchen.

THAT'S why he was so eager to volunteer.
I kid, I kid. Peter was being a gentleman on this one. He couldn't help the accidental boob grab.

Up and over
Around the living room, Peter gave up and went for the full carry.

Anybody else remember this scene from The OC?
He hauled her into the bathroom...

Way Out sign pointing in the wrong direction
Towards the toilet...

Talla? Talla? Talla?
With the patience of someone who has been that sober friend more times than you'd like to admit (oh god, Peter, I can relate) Peter talked her through the process of disrobing and peeing, asking her for verbal confirmations, which she gave him for awhile before falling silent.

At a certain point, Peter failed to get a response and started to visibly worry. The camera panned down to reveal Talla slumped beneath the door.

And scene.
By this point, Production snapped into action and cut the feeds.

Ash got it all on video, too: 

In all seriousness, I hope Talla gets the proper treatment tonight and is okay. It's no laughing matter and anyone in a situation like this should be taken care of immediately.

So boob grab or not, good on Peter for rising to the occasion to help her out. Even after she peed on everyone in the hot tub.

1 comment:

  1. wwwwHHHHHHaaaaaTTTTTSSSSSS UUUPPPPSSS MI peeEeps? Hows you doesing tonigh? Isa am grrreeetttt. itsa me Partz girls Walla Isa menz Sallas oh hell, youz kNowS iF yous couldnt tell, Isa hAs had a lil biT to dRinks toNighs. Not much tHo, jus a lil. WheeeRrrEes mises cigerate? Isa neEedas smoKe. Hisa Petese. Yousa looooooking miTy fiNesa Hosis its hanging in? Hehehehe Wheresa Toppie? Isa liKey Toppie. Hangs on, Isa hve to pees. Bees back hangs on Isa dont neEds to pees, Isa dids tHat in hottuBz. Hehehehe Okies doKies wheRez mis tequilas? Ohs heels Isa nOtz feelzs in goOodie mes gittin sick...isa needs to lays mines hed duWns... tHis floOoz isa cOlds... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
