Sunday, April 7, 2013

Moose on the Loose: Twist on the Way?

Marsha's not the only moose in town any more.

Over at Survivor Sucks, there's a suggestion for a name for the new moose:

Meanwhile, there's also a bird flitting about the indoor backyard today. The official Big Brother Canada account tweeted the following:

Something is afoot. 

No, not that foot.

Are these things connected? More importantly, are they related to the "mundo power" Arisa hinted at last week? Will the new moose (Jan?) be dealing out tasks like our friend Marsha? 

I don't think anyone besides Peter in the house right now even knows about Marsha, since she's been swearing them all to secrecy, but I heard she had a nice long cameo on the feeds this morning.

Here's hoping this twist isn't a failure like some of the production team's more recent efforts

(Confidential to the Sixteenth Houseguest: Talla can go, we won't miss her!)

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