Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Basic Science

Alec knows he's done:

How to tell you're being evicted over your showmance
As a scientist of human behavior, Alec of all people should know that when your hypothesis isn't supported by the evidence, you need to reevaluate your hypothesis.

Unfortunately, he's still telling Peter that Andrew and Talla will put up Emmett and Jillian and telling him to try to work with Andrew.

He doesn't seem to get that the evidence for that hypothesis simply does not compute.

My face right now, on hearing Alec say this crap to Peter
Meanwhile, Topaz and the girls have been having a ladies' night, guzzling wine, drunkenly tearing around the house pretending to go to the liquor store, doing group DRs, and screeching about all the people who've been evicted.

One of these things is in, one is out, and even Alec can figure that much out.

Where do things stand right now? Jillian and Andrew are sitting pretty for the DE tomorrow. Emmett, Topaz and Peter are most at risk depending on how things play out, with Talla at a distant risk if veto goes the wrong way for her.

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