Saturday, March 23, 2013

Stir Crazy

The still-green Big Brother Canada production team up in Toronto got the fans' message tonight, and switched the feeds back on for a few fun-filled hours between the nomination ceremony and Power of Veto competition. That's more like it, BB!

Turns out a big part of the reason for the long blackouts may be long prep with the competition hosts. Peter, this week's POV host, was called to the Diary Room for two hour-long sessions. The first time he was called, a number of houseguests promptly went to start napping. They were soon placed on a long lockdown in the back bedroom area as well. When Peter finally emerged, he was not allowed to discuss the reason for the delay.

The houseguests still managed to entertain themselves throughout their boredom, much to the delight of feed-watchers. Big Brother may finally be getting it - just let us watch, it's not like there's that much to hide between comps.

Whatever happens next, tonight we were able to watch all of the following, in addition to the glory of Emmett doing Gary's makeup (which was already capped everywhere else):

Talla chasing AJ around the house for a pot of coffee
Talla is not a regular caffeine-drinker, and AJ thought it would be best if she didn't have the two cups she wanted. I don't think the screencaps could keep up with a caffeinated Talla, she's blurred out in most of the caps I get already.

Suzette in tears over her future in the game (look at Jillian being supportive)
Suzette is depressed and depressing most of the house, to the point that even Gary was complaining about it. Seems she did this last time she thought she was going home, too.

Talla apparently levitating via the bookshelf
Alec being inappropriate with a pool noodle
Alec rubbing Emmett's hair
Alec wouldn't touch Talla's hair, he was afraid once he started, he wouldn't be able to stop. Seems it's just as soft as it looks, which explains why Andrew is always trying to touch it.

Eagle-eared Emmett listening to POV comp prep
Emmett: "Lots of buckets of water, guys."
Big Brother: "Please stop talking about Production." (Canadian Big Brother is so polite.)

Alec and Topaz being horrified by AJ 
Alec and Topaz playing matchmaker with AJ and Talla
Alec and Topaz were pushing hard for a showmance between AJ and Talla. Trying to get the target off their backs? Neither was opposed to the idea, but it sounds like Talla isn't interested in long-distance relationships. She also accidentally offended AJ by suggesting her friends would think he was "nice".

Girl talk!
The girl talk was mostly about unfortunate boyfriend stories and violent incidents. It was a little traumatic for Topaz, who broke down in tears telling the story of a neighbor who was stabbed and died in front of her.

Emmett tickling Alec with Jillian's hair
Gary wrestling with Topaz
AJ and Talla debating how much of Alec and Topaz's makeout session they could stand to watch
Talla directing a porno with AJ and Topaz. "Why is this a KKK-directed porno?" -AJ, when Talla went for the sheet.
Finally, feeds went down, presumably for the Power of Veto competition, which will be a late one tonight.

Congrats to Production for starting to get it together. Now can we please get some more Marsha the Moose?

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