Monday, March 25, 2013

Like Sands Through the Hourglass, or, the Houseguests Get Drunk

The Alec and Topaz drama continued into the wee hours of the night last night, as the booze continued to flow. I had to miss it due to the need to sleep, but luckily for you and me, intrepid Late Night Crew member Ash was there to document it all. (Are you following her on Twitter yet?)

But, Topaz... my feelings.

I'll just leave her descriptions here.

"First Alec and Topaz tiff about the ipod situation:"

"Then Alec talks to Gary about Topaz and about having his ipod taken away because of her. "

"Then after Topaz got drunk they decided to make up..which is basically a bunch of humping and kissing."

Over at Survivor Sucks, methuselah has an interesting observation about this whole soap opera:

In other news, apparently Andrew got very drunk and very creepy late last night, perving up not only on Topaz and Talla, but on Gary. Yes, Gary. The Jokers Updates discussion board erupted:

Stay tuned: none of these people are being evicted this week and we might have an incredibly awkward Double Head of Household twist next week, so the fun is just getting started.

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