Monday, March 18, 2013

Big Brother Canada Fight Night: A Guide To What Happened Before The Feeds Cut

It seems we have our first big fight brewing in the Big Brother Canada house, though with feeds down, we don't know what's happening at the moment. Here's what we do know. 

All evening long, Tom has been douching it up around the house, bigtime. He and Liza have been on an ego kick, separating themselves from their housemates and complaining about how Alec refused to use the Power of Veto on either one of them. Tom outed the Quattro alliance to Liza at some point and has fully briefed her on their shattered plans.

Shortly before 9 PM Eastern time, while Alec was showering and a number of houseguests were milling around the bathroom, someone noted that the sign in the living room said "Big Brother After Dark", so they were probably on TV.

Tom's response to this was to grab the shower door and throw it open on Alec.

Feeds cut.

A short time later, after Tom went around the house laughing about the incident, Alec attempted to confront him in the backyard and Tom blew him off. Alec fled to the Diary Room. Tom proceeded to laugh to AJ and Liza about how Alec goes around with his shirt off all the time anyway, and besides, Alec didn't use the Veto on him. Apparently since Tom has been wronged by Alec three times now, he has two more chances for revenge. 

Topaz gathered wind of this and it did not go over well with her. She complained to Peter.

She complained to Andrew, Talla, and Suzette.

She complained to Gary.

In the middle of all of this, Alec finally emerged from the Diary Room - quiet, red-eyed and sporting his eye mask. 

Topaz took a break from her venting session long enough to attempt to comfort her man while he choked down a slop shake. 

They relocated to the living room, presumably to talk game, but she quietly brought up the subject of Showergate. Alec immediately announced that he was tired, and yanked his eye mask over his eyes to cover his tears. 

Peter joined them, giving Alec an excuse to exit the scene. He headed for the bedroom with Andrew...

...Then broke into loud sobs in Andrew's arms.

Topaz, having seen enough by this point, went out to loudly unleash her wrath on Tom.

And then:


Well, hopefully the edit will be good. 

In the meantime, Celebrity Big Brother fans may recall a similar controversy last year, when Denise Welch pulled Karissa Shannon's pants down. I said it then and I'll say it again - no means no, and what Tom did is just as wrong as what Denise did. 

I had feeds on when the now-infamous exposure happened, and I don't think anything actually showed, but the point is that Alec, who's already stressed due to three weeks on slop, is mortified and feels exposed against his will. 

Tom crossed the line from being a cartoon villain to something a little more sinister tonight.

Whatever the outcome of the fight, I hope Topaz KICKED HIS ASS. Go girl go.  

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